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Prompted Flash Fiction

Since the beginning of 2013, I have gotten hooked on writing prompts. I've really been enjoying the challenge of writing to a given theme, or creating a piece which includes a certain word or phrase, and word limits just make the challenge all the more keen... So today I went looking for more prompts. I found a few in the genre of flash fiction. Strongest among these was the following list of prompts. These should last me a while!


*clicking “(s)” will link you to all the submissions posted for that topic
Day 1 - Suitably Warm (s)
Day 2 - Candy Apple Red (s)
Day 3 - I Didn’t Go There (s)
Day 4 - Why Didn’t it Happen to Me? (s)
Day 5 - Shreds of Doubt (s)
Day 6 - Can’t Be (s)
Day 7 - Where Will It Be Found? (s)
Day 8 - Three Reasons (s)
Day 9 - Chance (s)
Day 10 - Essence of _________ (s)
Day 11 - Black Horse (s)
Day 12 - Heartstrings (s)
Day 13 - Another Day (s)
Day 14 - The Color Yellow (s)
Day 15 - Eyes That Can’t See (s)
Day 16 - Renovate (s)
Day 17 - Chocolate (s)
Day 18 - Wild Child (s)
Day 19 - Driving North (s)
Day 20 - China (s)
Day 21 - It’s Time To _______ (s)
Day 22 - Don’t Laugh (s)
Day 23 - Rosemary (s)
Day 24 - Something New (s)
Day 25 - Pyramid (s)
Day 26 - ______ At Night (s)
Day 27 - Many Pages (s)
Day 28 - Floating (s)
Day 29 - Wood (s)
Day 30 - Something Witnessed (s)
Day 31 - On a Hill (s)
Day 32 -  Find the Solution (s)
Day 33 - It Is Red (s)
Day 34 - Something You Heard Your Friend Say (s)
Day 35 - Trained To Do It (s)
Day 36 - An Issue You Cared About (s)
Day 37 - Country Field (s)
Day 38 - Take It Away (s)
Day 39 - It’s Gigantic (s)
Day 40 - Very Subtle (s)
Day 41 - Dreaming Again (s)
Day 42 - That’s the Plan (s)
Day 43 -  A Great Man (s)
Day 44 - Do Not Tell (s)
Day 45 - A Gray Coat (s)
Day 46 - Revenge (s)
Day 47 - Digging for Treasure (s)
Day 48 - Dancing (s)
Day 49 - Play a Game (s)
Day 50 - Apple Tree (s)
Day 51 - Good Medicine (s)
Day 52 - Impossible (s)
Day 53 - Intense Clarity (s)
Day 54 - A Bird Cage (s)
Day 55 - Say It Again (s)
Day 56 - Can’t Be Sure (s)
Day 57 - Ribbons (s)
Day 58 - Human Spirit (s)
Day 59 - Renaissance woman (s)
Day 60 - Extra Spice (s)
Day 61 - Candle (s)
Day 62 - In a Catalog (s)
Day 63 - Tie-Dye (s)
Day 64 - Neighbors (s)
Day 65 - Cold Day (s)
Day 66 - Favorite (s)
Day 67 - Teacup (s)
Day 68 - Royalty (s)
Day 69 - Rumormongers (s)
Day 70 - A Gourmet Chef (s)
Day 71 - Rigid Beliefs (s)
Day 72 - Absolute Discord (s)
Day 73 - It Occurred to Me… (s)
Day 74 - Childless (s)
Day 75 - Goodness (s)
Day 76 - Direct Opposites (s)
Day 77 - Rooster (s)
Day 78 - A Collection (s)
Day 79 - Rapid Breakdown (s)
Day 80 - Silence (s)
Day 81 - Take a Chance (s)
Day 82 - Stubborn Old Mule (s)
Day 83 - Eyes of Blue (s)
Day 84 - Picking Oneself Up (s)
Day 85 - An Artist (s)
Day 86 - Listen to the Song (s)
Day 87 - Simple Thoughts (s)
Day 88 - Chatter (s)
Day 89 - Rebellion (s)
Day 90 - New Beginnings (s)
Day 91 - So Cold (s)
Day 92 - Punk Rocker (s)
Day 93 - First Love (s)
Day 94 - Swing set (s)
Day 95 - Haunted (s)
Day 96 - Odd Jobs (s)
Day 97 - Cooking (s)
Day 98 - A Promise (s)
Day 99 - Culture Shock (s)
Day 100 - Don’t Waste your Time (s)
Day 101 - Game Console (s)
Day 102 - A Stack of Boxes (s)
Day 103 - ______ Changed Everything (s)
Day 104 - Temptations (s)
Day 105 - Suburban Sprawl (s)
Day 106 - A Portrait (s)
Day 107 - Science (s)
Day 108 - It is Elegant (s)
Day 109 - A House in the Country (s)
Day 110 - A Law Student (s)
Day 111 - Sick in Bed (s)
Day 112 - Garden Spirit (s)
Day 113 - Privacy (s)
Day 114 - Cantankerous Old ___ (s)
Day 115 - Jewelry (s)
Day 116 - More than Expected (s)
Day 117 - At the Top (s)
Day 118 - Child of Mine (s)
Day 119 - Rabid Dog (s)
Day 120 - Sanity (s)
Day 121 - Walk in the Park (s)
Day 122 - Money (s)
Day 123 - Child’s Play (s)
Day 124 - Small Town (s)
Day 125 - Authority Figure (s)
Day 126 - I saw it in the sky (s)
Day 127 - Busy People (s)
Day 128 - Waterfall (s)
Day 129 - Under the Tree (s)
Day 130 - New Furniture (s)
Day 131 - A cat walks past (s)
Day 132 - Expenses (s)
Day 133 - I never expected (s)
Day 134 - Aroma (s)
Day 135 - An Obstacle (s)
Day 136 - Red Lines (s)
Day 137 - Hopelessly Romantic (s)
Day 138 - Cinnamon (s)
Day 139 - Over the Hill (s)
Day 140 - Something Breaks (s)
Day 141 - Green (s)
Day 142 - Unexpected Entry (s)
Day 143 - Bearing Fruit (s)
Day 144 - Ridiculous Statement (s)
Day 145 - It’s All A Sham (s)
Day 146 - Sugar Coated (s)
Day 147 - Wonder Woman (s)
Day 148 - Baseball (s)
Day 149 - So Far From Home (s)
Day 150 - A Joke (s)
Day 151 - Missed Opportunity (s)
Day 152 - A Challenge (s)
Day 153 - Phone Rings (s)
Day 154 - Twelve Babies (s)
Day 155 - Curious Animal (s)
Day 156 - Blogging (s)
Day 157 - In A Garden (s)
Day 158 - Gratitude (s)
Day 159 - Stopped In The Road (s)
Day 160 - Swimming (s)
Day 161 - Dropped Off (s)
Day 162 - It Surrounds You (s)
Day 163 - Make a List (s)
Day 164 - A Mountain (s)
Day 165 - In a Shambles (s)
Day 166 - Explore (s)
Day 167 - Flat Tire (s)
Day 168 - Desk Lamp (s)
Day 169 - Total Silence (s)
Day 170 - An ID Bracelet (s)
Day 171 - Jumped the Fence (s)
Day 172 - A Joyous Moment (s)
Day 173 - Recovery From ______ (s)
Day 174 - A Working Relationship (s)
Day 175 - Show No Fear (s)
Day 176 - Under Control (s)
Day 177 - It Was Pink (s)
Day 178 - Empty Calendar (s)
Day 179 - Dowsing (s)
Day 180 - Two Hens (s)
Day 181 - A Flaw (s)
Day 182 - Sterilized (s)
Day 183 - Pretending (s)
Day 184 - Crystal Ball (s)
Day 185 - Trickle Down (s)
Day 186 - Open _______ (s)
Day 187 - Lawbreaker (s)
Day 188 - The Cost Of ________ (s)
Day 189 - Who Took It? (s)
Day 190 - The Patent Office (s)
Day 191 - Cooperation (s)
Day 192 - Far Back In Time (s)
Day 193 - A Label You Hate (s)
Day 195 - A New Spatula (s)
Day 196 - Hidden From Your Eyes (s)
Day 197 - With A Shovel (s)
Day 198 - Birthright (s)
Day 199 - Lawnmower (s)
Day 200 - Follow The ______ (s)
Day 201 - Underground (s)
Day 202 - Turnip Soup (s)
Day 203 - Bouncing (s)
Day 204 - Nervousness (s)
Day 205 - Showers (s)
Day 206 - Graduation (s)
Day 207 - Worst Case (s)
Day 208 - Electricity (s)
Day 209 - Folk Singer (s)
Day 210 - High Class (s)
Day 211 - Random Laughter (s)
Day 212 - Bowl Of _______ (s)
Day 213 - Rake (s)
Day 214 - New Coat (s)
Day 215 - Short ______ (s)
Day 216 - Walk A Mile (s)
Day 217 - Ignite (s)
Day 218 - Kindness (s)
Day 219 - Genius (s)
Day 220 - Country Road (s)
Day 221 - Jagged Edge (s)
Day 222 - Out Of Date (s)
Day 223 - Policeman (s)
Day 224 - Delete (s)
Day 225 - Flying Overhead (s)
Day 226 - On A Mission (s)
Day 227 - Miniature ______ (s)
Day 228 - It Never Worked Before (s)
Day 229 - A Bottle Of ______ (s)
Day 230 - Zero Gravity (s)
Day 231 - An Accessory (s)
Day 232 - Slumlord (s)
Day 233 - What You’re Longing For (s)
Day 234 - A Harp (s)
Day 235 - Too Much Water (s)
Day 236 - A Dreadful _____ (s)
Day 237 - The Confrontation (s)
Day 238 - Rocks (s)
Day 239 - On A Sailing Ship (s)
Day 240 - Pure ______ (s)
Day 241 - Wild Parrot (s)
Day 242 - Energy (s)
Day 243 - Damaged (s)
Day 244 - Chocolate (s)
Day 245 - Say It With _____ (s)
Day 246 - What He Found Out (s)
Day 247 - Punch Line (s)
Day 248 - Raven (s)
Day 249 - Trust (s)
Day 250 - An Emergency (s)
Day 251 - Turtle (s)
Day 252 - In My Room (s)
Day 253 - ______ Was Here (s)
Day 254 - Advanced (s)
Day 255 - A Beautiful Choice (s)
Day 256 - Racing (s)
Day 257 - Nevermore (s)
Day 258 - Chalice (s)
Day 259 - Soap Bubbles (s)
Day 260 - Later In The Year (s)
Day 261 - Place Of Birth (s)
Day 262 - Your Policy (s)
Day 263 - An Apprentice (s)
Day 264 - Within The Lines (s)
Day 265 - Staff (s)
Day 266 - Five Thousand Dollars (s)
Day 267 - For The Time Being (s)
Day 268 - A Musician’s Life (s

1 comment:

Yo, it's me - Uttley. Say, did you click on the post title or the 'Read on' button so that you can see everything? Please do. Now you can enter your email address in the box below to subscribe to future posts, then scroll down below that and click like all of the little buttons down there to share this post around and so that we can be connected everywhichway? C'mon - it'll be fun!

If you click the green share button and then the gray button with three dots on it, it takes you to an insane list of all the ways to share. Seriously, if you haven't seen it before, you really should. Anyway, alright, I'll let you go. Thanks heaps for visiting. Take care.
